It was at this point that he had had just about enough, and grew to hate the ruler of Basementcave, Count Limul, very deeply. Ustoth fled again to hillocks where he was not known. He joined the bonecarvers guild, the Prime Guild, and became their recordkeeper.This didn't last long, though, as he was already known at Basementcave and the suspicions arose again. He married Urdim Craftdells and moved back to the original fortress where he had settled after goblin prison, Basementcave. Even among dwarves though, agelessness is noticed, and Ustuth had to flee for his life, to the hillocks of Questrelic, where he blended in as a miner. I'm not actually sure why he didn't try to start a zombie horde of his own instead, but this is okay.Īfter another few decades, he moved to the center of scholarship of the dwarves, Roomlantern, and began working more seriously, inventing valves and writing a few books about how they work. Freed during a dwarven invasion, Ustuth settled in a dwarf fortress and became an engineer while running a highly-successful criminal operation. Ustuth escaped from prison after a few years and settled in a town which was captured by goblins, and he was reimprisoned in a goblin tower. The dwarves led an alliance with the humans and elves to put an end to this after a decade or so, and Ustuth was taken prisoner.Normally these stories have ended with some giant monster just killing everybody, but Ustuth had another 80 years to go.

A necromancer was all too happy to arrange this, and Ustuth joined as a lieutenant of a small zombie horde which had rampaged through a few villages. Ustuth had quite a run through world generation.īefore becoming immortal, he was the Sacred Night of the dream religion, the Veiled Fellowship, but was too proud to give in to death and sought to extend his life.

The lucky (and one unlucky) actors were a dwarven necromancer named Ustuth, the dwarf Count Limul Treatyvessels, and Jonu the human assassin. We now have our first complete plot pulled off in play, after world generation is complete.

Should have more normal sorts of news for next week. The audience was seated out in the grass and there were many dogs (and a wolf from a wolf sanctuary!), so it was much more relaxed than the background would have you believe, which is why I perhaps do even more odd dancing than usual. ☑ Over 20,000 reviews with a 10/10 score on Steam. ☑ The best colony creation and base building mechanics I’ve experienced. ☑ It’s like a cleaner, easier to use version of Dwarf Fortress and dare I say it’s better in almost every way. ☑ Main Inspiration for the game was Dwarf Fortress (even mentioned in Steam Bio for the game). I went to the Interplanetary Festival in Santa Fe, where I was part of a game design panel. Bay 12 Games: Dwarf FortressComing to! DOWNLOAD DWARF FORTRESS CLASSIC 0.44.12 (July 7, 2018) Current Development.